“Art’s guidance on rebooting culture helped us take core-value intentions ‘off the wall’ and onto our jobsites, offices and relationships as performance-enhancing team values.”
SEAN CARNEY Founder and CEO, Specialized Property Services Inc
The Culture Reboot Session
A 3-hour Wakeup Call for the CEO and C-Suite
A Three-hour Wakeup Call for the CEO and C-Suite
The Culture Reboot is the right choice for your organization if:
You are struggling to inspire the will to win and desire to belong
Executives and managers are not skilled at coaching, recognizing contributions, or correcting subpar performance
Your company’s published values do not reflect the reality
Your current corporate culture doesn’t deliver on it’s brand promise…
Session Details
A 3-hour live recorded video conference exclusively for your company’s C-Suite team
Up to 1,000 attendees
You are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate during the workshop
Your recording will last long after our engagement ends, and can be shared with your team
You are struggling to inspire the will to win and a desire to belong
Executives and managers are not practicing effective coaching skills, recognizing contributions or correcting performance in a timely manner
Your corporate culture does not deliver on it’s brand promise
3-hour video conference call exclusively with your company’s C-Suite team that can accommodate up to 100 attendees
Permission will be granted to record the workshop and share with the rest of your company
You will be encouraged to ask questions and actively participate during the workshop
Culture is best defined as “the collective habits used by a group of people to get things done.”
Experience a proven culture-shaping process that accelerates inspirational leadership and process discipline.
Come away from this half-day session with the tools and understanding to foster teamwork, reduce stress and promote a contextual understandingof cultural values and behavioral boundaries.
Build a corporate culture that aligns everyone to deliver on your brand promise and promote your competitive advantage.
An organization’s true culture is not what’s on the wall, it’s what management tolerates
These sessions can be compared to a computer reboot, in that it removes impediments that slow things down and cause errors.
Culture reboots do not make radical changes rather they make leaders aware of shaky foundations and false assumptions that inhibit the will to win and a desire to belong.
Without guard rails (aka behavioral boundaries) and the consistent application of both negative and positive consequences, your cultural-values will be meaningless and perhaps debilitating .
Action-Orient Your Values: Gain Tools to implement Your Own Values at Your Own Pace
In this session you will explore how inspiration, personal freedom and an enforced rule of law (aka process discipline) will build and sustain a peak performance culture.
This session will be a success if you feel equipped with the tools to craft:
A compelling corporate introduction that communicates your company’s culture, values, and competitive edge
A clear brand promise and competitive advantage statement
Real-world examples that support your action-oriented cultural values
How to Get Started
Ready to accelerate leadership, generate corporate energy, and align behavior?
Schedule a discovery call with Art and learn how to foster teamwork, reduce stress, promote understanding, and empower leadership within each employee.
Share challenges, seek support and foster self-sufficiency in a confidential space
Receive objective and constructive feedback to identify blind spots and areas for improvement
Break through plateaus, navigate growth challenges, and achieve sustainable success
A strong relationship is essential to understand, support your vision, your goals and your challenges
You will get the support and guidance tofocus on behaviors or mindsets that are preventing you from moving forward.
My goal is to Inspire, support and challenge you to take crucial risks to arrive at your own discoveries and successes
Share challenges, seek support and foster self-sufficiency in a confidential space
A strong relationship is essential to understand, support your vision, your goals and your challenges
Receive objective and constructive feedback to identify blind spots and areas for improvement
You will get the support and guidance tofocus on behaviors or mindsets that are preventing you from moving forward.
Break through plateaus, navigate growth challenges, and achieve sustainable success
My goal is to Inspire, support and challenge you to take crucial risks to arrive at your own discoveries and successes
Ready to see the big picture through a new perspective?
Feel isolated at the top?
Overcome Challenges
Gain confidential honest feedback, and valuable insights from someone else who has “walked the walk”.
The pace of change is moving so fast that learning exclusively from one’s own mistakes is no longer economically viable.
You won’t advance if you play it safe
Achieve Greater Success
Personalized mentoring that will challenge and support you to take crucial risks to achieve sustainable success.
Doing the same thing will not move you forward. Disciplining one’s self to uncover what was ignored or hasn’t been seen is the only path to continued success.
Speed up Your decision making
Make Better Decisions
Break through plateaus, remove behaviors, and eliminate mindsets that are preventing you from moving forward.
Corporate survival and prosperity is achieved and maintained through continuous improvement.
Join Over 3,000 CEOs, Executives and Entrepreneurs that Have Thrived and Prospered
“Art McNeil has the unique ability to cut through the noise of business and inspire executives, managers, and workers to confront things that really matter. He has a profound understanding of the impact that market changes have on the way people need to work in organizations.”
ROD SMART Senior Partner, Achieve Global Pty, Ltd
“Tom Peters left us information and Art McNeil gave us the tools to get a tough job done.”